About Building Automation System (BAS)
Building Automation System (BAS) is playing increasingly important role in high performance buildings as owners have high expectation on the advanced & affordable technology available nowadays. However, many such buildings were left to poor system performance, and most of the shortcomings are unfortunately set to last till the life of the building. Within such a scenario, not only is the performance and durability of the systems compromised, but also at the expense of indoor environmental quality and energy efficiency.
One of the senior ASHRAE DL has summarized the status quo of many modern buildings, even in USA, fall short in energy efficiency. As he have said: “One Reason For Energy Waste is Required Controls: But,
1) Good mechanical engineers do not know controls.
2) Good control technicians do not know mechanical systems.
3) Good programmers do not know a thing about either.
4) And no one has the time to correct these problems.
He further noted the “The Paradox of Automation” as “ Better automation leads to more sophisticated processes; More sophisticated processes lead to more opportunities for error; We “fix” the increasing errors with still more automation; Complexity defeats efficiency and functionality”.
Admittedly, the above scenario is commonly felt in local BAS industry.
BASAM has acknowledged the situation and has planned to carry out a series of training sessions, both on the theoretical basis, as well as from practical aspects, so that BAS vendors and specialists can make full use of their technology in contributing effectively towards building system performance and energy efficiency. We aim to elaborate the basis of mechanical & electrical relationship to BAS and what BAS can enhance or complement M&E system performance in utmost synergy. It is no doubt that the control specialist and BAS programmer are excellent in their specialized fields, but the sessions aim to impart the related knowledge of other building systems necessary for BAS integration. The will is to make BAS specialists appreciate the opportunities they have and integrate the process in achieving high performance to fulfill Owner’s Project Requirements.

Our Objectives
- To regulate our BAS industry as to ensure full compliance to systems as specified by the Consulting Engineers.
- To provide a systematic approach to perform, upgrade and escalate the standard of BAS and to conduct ancillary activities to raise the awareness of BAS capabilities.
- BASAM intends to develop standardized methods of performing Testing and Commissioning of Buildings (especially HVAC ) systems in both existing and new buildings, so that the immense capability of BAS can be utilized. The BAS professional will then be equipped to meet the energy management system requirements of clause 38 in the Uniform Bylaws of Malaysia.
The success of this program will serve to enlighten the public in general and the authorities alike that are having a proper commissioned building system utilizing BAS is upmost importance to ensure the system work at optimum performance as per design requirements while managing energy costs and reducing carbon footprint at all levels.
In a nutshell, BASAM is determined to achieve our objectives to synergize and enhance the Commissioning Specialists work in order to attain high performing green buildings. We also hope to provide a platform to the BAS industry to catapult our levels of expertise and to provide assurance to the public in general of the skill, integrity and quality of work and responsibility of our members.
Train the Trainer Program Certifications
Our respectable trainers are certified & licensed to conduct Train the Trainer courses.
System Integrator Course Certifications
Course participants will receive official industry-recognised certifications.