System Integrator Course

Course Syllabus And Examination Structure
Content Synopsis
The Commissioning Standards & Practice Module is a 45min to 1-hour lecture using Powerpoint presentation, which aims to provide participants with the basic introduction of the global commissioning practice, the organizations or professional bodies that support the practices and highlight the relationship to green buildings certification.
The module covers the importance of commissioning in realizing the objectives in Owner’s Project Requirement (OPR) in green initiatives by appropriate communication, documentation and verification.
The module enables participants to related historical development of commissioning concepts and the world trend for future development, especially the contribution of commissioning GBI certification process.
Course Objectives
- To offer an overall view on the global development of commissioning practice
- Distinction between TAB (testing, balancing & adjusting) with Cx (Commissioning)
- Elaboration on standards & practices established by organizations such as ASHRAE, NEBB, SMACNA, BSRIA, etc. Adoption of commissioning process by green building certification organization.
- Understand certification process of commissioning professionals.
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this module, participants should be able to :

Practice Appreciation
Appreciate and recognize the evolution of commissioning practice.
Industry Expertise
Differentiate between TAB and Cx and understand the correlation between them. Elaboration on overall pre-functional & functional test of TAB and quality base sampling test by CxS
Sustainable Practices
Understand the recognition of commissioning in sustainability design.Research Done & References
- ASHRAE Guideline 0-2013 & Guideline 0-2005 -- The Commissioning Process
- ASHRAE Standard 202-2013 -- Commissioning Process for Buildings and Systems
- Guideline 1.1-2007 -- HVAC&R Technical Requirements for The Commissioning Process
- PECI Model Commissioning Plans & Guide Specifications
- Functional Testing and Design Guides from
- GBI NRNC, NREB, INC and IEB Reference Guides
- LEED Reference Guide on commissioning
Recommended Further Reading
- Principles of Building Commissioning, Walter T. Grondzik - John Wiley & Sons ISBN 978-0-470-11297-7
GBI Commissioning Specialist Course
1 hour
Content Synopsis
The Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) is a 1-hour examination which aims to test participants for the basic understanding of principles of commissioning for green buildings. Participants shall recognize their role & responsibility as appointed CxS for green building projects. CxS must be aware that their involvement shall not be limited to description in credit EE6 & EE7 but shall be extended to the activities on commissioned building system and shall be interlinked with many related credits. Input from CxS is required for each of these related credits.
In general and the CxS shall understand the essence of performance verification in GBI rating tools and in particular, be able to carry out the commission process in systematic and harmonious manner while demonstrating or exhibiting the value-add nature of Commissioning to project team. The MCQ consists of 80 questions, covering all the teaching content and all the modules taught. All questions offer four choices, with only one correct answer. A candidate’s score is based on 70 of the questions; the other 10 questions, which are interspersed throughout the examination, are included for “trial” or “pilot” purposes.
The MCQ is an “open book” examination where participants may bring in their Course textbook and other documents. Computers, laptops or mobile phones are not allowed.
- To test the knowledge on principles of commissioning, objectives, submissions and performance verification criteria of GBI tools, commissioning procedures and role & responsibilities of GBI Commissioning Specialist;
- To test the basic understanding of CxS related credits and expected input from project team;
- To test the ability of specifying appropriate testing instrument and methodology for performance verification process and interpretation of result.
Learning Outcomes
On completion of the MCQ, participants are assessed individually based on a simple passing mark of 40.
1 hour
Content Synopsis
The Project Assignment (PA) is a 1-hour interview & examination which aims to test participants applying the principle of commissioning as CxS on GBI certification project in a real life scenario.
Participants are given write-up, raw data and details on several sample projects. In principle each participant has to complete the project assignment by oneself within 2 weeks’ period. However, as the scope of work for CxS is so diverse, the participant may seek help from other subject matter experts but the compilation of deliverable must be done by the participant oneself only.
Each participant must be able to present some or all of the following deliverables based on the given information:
- Commissioning Plan & Schedule
- Commissioning Design Review & Issue Log
- Review comment on test data
- Outline of Commissioning Report
- Outline of Building User Manual
- Any other documentation
Each participant is given approximately two weeks to complete the PA and deliverables must be submitted in PDF format at least a day before the interview or examination (Exam) day. On Exam Day, each participant is given up to 1 hour to present their deliverable, using the submitted PDF files or in separate Powerpoint presentation. Each participant will then be required to answer questions raised by the Examiners, where the questions are directed randomly across all modules taught during the lecture and practical session, relevant to the CxS activities.
Each participant is assessed as on the overall performance during the presentation, whereupon if any of the presentation is unsatisfactory. It may be compensated with other presentation and if some questions cannot be answered for specific CxS related credits due to participant’s background, the proper answer to other question can compensate the shortcoming. Commissioning is expected to be carried out with a group of experts but the lead CxS has to be experts in some specific fields while having general knowledge in other fields.
- To test ability to prepare the deliverable to assist the Owner, GBIF and project team.
- To test ability to provide input on commissioning requirement for CxS related credits.
- To test ability to lead contractor in Commissioning Meeting.
- To test ability to conclude performance verification process.
Learning Outcomes
On completion of the PA, participants shall be able to
- Understand principles of commissioning and satisfactorily deliver the value add to the project team.
- Able to lead the construction team by proper communication, documentation & verification.
- Understand the necessity of working with O&M personnel to fine tune and enhance the system performance.
Requirements & Fees
- Ordinary Corporate/Individual Members - Open to all contractors, manufacturers and suppliers in the BAS industry who is Malaysian citizen and above the age of 18 years is eligible for membership of BASAM.
- Life Members - Any existing Ordinary Individual Member or Ordinary Corporate Member, after being a member for a period of one (1) year can apply to be an Individual or Corporate Life Member of BASAM. Every Application together with the payment of the prescribed fee shall be forwarded to the Secretary who shall, at the first convenient of opportunity, submit to the Executive Committee for approval. The Executive Committee may at its discretion accept or reject any application without assigning any reason thereof.
- Associate Members - Open to Architects, Consultants, Insurance Companies, fire Brigade and all those directly interested in the BAS industry.
- Membership rights and privileges shall not be transferable including the right of the vote.
2. Ordinary Individual Member - Rm 200
3. Associates Member - Rm 100
2. Ordinary Individual Member - Rm 200
3. Associates Member - Rm 100
2. Ordinary Corporate Life Member RM 1500 (upon approval for Ordinary Corporate Life Member)
Malaysia Building Automation System Association
RHB Bank Berhad
Account Number: 2-12349-0005189-3